Sunday, 5 January 2014

Hong Kong dollars, a decent breakfast, a fading mystery rose and Chinese New Year preparations

Sunshine returned my text of yesterday with a phone call at 8:20 a.m ....Ugh! I was up, but enjoying the first Monday morning on holiday. Rushed to get ready so she could help me find a place to print my flight and hotel reservations, get some Hong Kong dollars, book me a taxi to get to the airport on January 13th.
As usual, when we got to the bank a "set-back:- I MUST SHOW MY PASSPORT TO CHANGE YUAN TO HONG  KONG DOLLARS. Sunshine stayed while I "fast-walked" back to the Dorm. Thirty minutes later, I'm back at the bank- hungry for breakfast and out of breath.
Mission accomplished:

I enjoy the second or (maybe) third "Western style" breakfast in a long time, back at the Dorm.
Through the week, it's usually a banana- and more recently oranges for the Vitamin C (in addition to the 500 gr tablet each day) - or occasionally a boiled egg in the Canteen - eaten on the run to class.
Found REAL "whole wheat" bread recently. Thought I'd died and gone to heaven. It's great toasted!
Must (sadly) de-Christmas my room soon. Will get the room ready for Chinese New Year- IF I CAN FIGURE OUT WHICH WAY IS UP FOR THESE POSTERS??????
Martine? Roy? Any ideas?

My "mystery rose" is starting to fade at the edges. I have not even figured out HOW to ask my "Dorm-mates" where it may have come from? Maybe it was meant for another door??? Who knows.....


  1. Hi Mary,
    No idea on how to hang up your new posters! We just hung ours up and figured somebody would tell us if it was wrong. Nobody ever did! :)
    Enjoy your time off!

    1. Ha1Ha! Ha! Martine!!! Too funny!
      I will ask the "ayi" (auntie) who keeps us safe in the Dorm
