Thursday 17 October 2013

Notes of Interest................

1. I have been approached by a student ( a very good one!) and asked to "tutor" her on weekends. She was very discrete and no exact of money was mentioned. Her mother is to call me. I asked around and was told it is against the rules ( no kidding- conflict of interest when I grade her?). It will be hard to say "No"- I like /cindy very much!
2. The Foreign teachers have been offered Mandarin lessons over the lunch hour one day per week. I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Shirley- the teacher in charge of Foreign teacher ( the one who presented me with gifts of yogurt and kiwis- see earlier post) also asked Sunshine to re- arrange my teaching timetable to allow me to sleep in ONE day per week. I am the ONLY Foreign teacher with 7:55 a.m classes FIVE days a week. I now only have 7:55 a.m classes FOUR days a week. BEST GIFT EVER!
4. William - my Chinese colleague who was in a scooter accident returned to work yesterday. He walks with a limp, but was cheerful and happy to be back. Yeah, William!!!!!

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