Friday 25 October 2013

Saturday morning food shopping.............

Before I head off to the (much) more expensive Plaza for a few items, I re-visited my (new) local food shop just around ( the other way) corner. This is the street that my bus runs off of just before it hits the Metro stop on my way home from school. I realized it was within walking distance from the Dorm and browsed last Sunday afternoon. LOVE IT! It has everything.........little ( the size of a standard Canadian bathroom) clothing shops, electronic shops, new stands, and two grocery stores of decent size. The first one has all dry-goods and some frozen foods. The second one ( further up the road) has dry goods and fresh goods and no frozen foods. Perfect!
I really like this shop because they have pre-packaged and weighed and priced fruits and vegetables perfect for one person. So milk, Bottle of white wine, two bananas, one large carrot, red onion and a can of coconut milk cost me 49  yuan ($8.00 Canadian). Considering the wine was 38 yuan, the rest of the items cost $ 1.74 Canadian.
I have been training myself to just think in terms of yuan against my monthly salary- and I think that's a good thing to do. But, I just can't help "converting" every now and then for the comparison.

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